Noble Public Schools Surplus Sealed Bid Auction is underway. All items are located in the SE Corner of the HS parking lot. Open the link for more detailed information. Please share with anyone that may be interested. Go Bears!
8 months ago, Noble Public Schools
Two of our students lost their home in a fire yesterday. The Lynn family has boys in Pre-K and 3rd Grade. Clothing needs & financial support are appreciated. Youth Medium & shoe size 4 for 3rd grader, 4T & shoe size 11 for Pre-K student. Financial Donations may be dropped off at CO. #publicschoolsrock#bettertogether #GoBears
8 months ago, Noble Public Schools
Primary Elections 2024 begin in 12 hours. Please do your homework and vote for candidates that support our public schools. #GoBears #publicschoolsrock #bettertogether
8 months ago, Noble Public Schools
Important Voting Information from the Cleveland County Election Board. It is our right, duty, and responsibility to vote. Thank you.
8 months ago, Noble Public Schools
Noble Public Schools 2024-2025 Enrollment Verification. As of today, 1500 of 3100 have completed verification. Please take the time required to complete this process. Time is running short! Go Bears!
8 months ago, Noble Public Schools
Noble Public Schools is pleased to announce that we have once again been able to pay off the remaining Lunch/Breakfast Balances of all students! Thank You to our donors! #GoBears #publicschoolsrock #Blessed
9 months ago, Noble Public Schools
Busy Week at Noble High School, Little League Camps. Girls Basketball June 3rd & 4th-8:30-11:30 @ The Den Baseball June 3rd & 4th-9:00-12:00 at the HS field. Boys Basketball June 5th-7th-1st-6th Grade-9:00-11:30 @The Den Boys Basketball June 5th-7th-7th-9th Grade-1:00-3:00 @The Den #GoBears
9 months ago, Noble Public Schools
Noble Athletics Summer Sale-Details in link below. #GoBears
9 months ago, Noble Public Schools
Primary Election Forum tonight at the auditorium of The Den, on the campus of Noble High School. House District #20 and Senate District #15, sponsored by the Noble Public Schools Foundation and the Noble Public Library.
9 months ago, Noble Public Schools
A friendly reminder that re-enrollment period for 2024-2025 school year will be closing on June 7, 2024. If the re-enrollment process is not completed by the deadline your student will be withdrawn from Noble PS. If you are uncertain if you have completed the process, please log into your PowerSchool account, Step 3 & check for the submitted status. If you have any questions about the re-enrollment process, please contact our office. NHS: Total student count-minus seniors- 694- only 244 have completed CIMS: Total student count- 683- only 236 have competed Pioneer: Total student count-438- only 163 have completed Hubbard: Total student count-625-only 302 have completed KID: Total student count- 393-Only 162 have completed
9 months ago, Noble Public Schools
Summer Feeding for the Month of June Noble Public Schools (NPS) will be participating in the Summer Food Service Program. Any child 18 years or younger may eat for free at Pioneer Elementary School (611 East Ash Street) or Curtis Inge Middle School (1201 North 8th Street). The dates are June 3rd to June 27th (Monday-Thursday). Breakfast will be served from 7:50 am – 8:20 am and lunch will be from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. Based on USDA SDE rules, all meals must be consumed at the school. NPS /USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Summer Feeding 2024 Flyer -
9 months ago, Dr. Jon Myers
Today is the last day! Please check your homes, vehicles, backpacks, etc., for library books, text books, Chromebooks, Band & Athletic Uniforms. Please don't forget to check lost and found for clothes, shoes, jackets. Please remember to pick up all medicine. We will be cleaning out, throwing away, donating, everything must go. Thank you for a great year, #GoBears!
9 months ago, Noble Public Schools
CIMS: Just a reminder that we will be selling a hot dog/chip/soda lunch option tomorrow for $2. This price includes all 3 items. Students who choose not to eat the alternative lunch will still have the cafeteria lunch as an option. Please also remember to not bring backpacks tomorrow. Thanks!
9 months ago, Katelynn Walker
With school ending Tuesday, we will be sending several messages the next few days. Please take a few minutes each time you receive an alert to determine if it is applicable to you. Have a great day! Go Bears! Medicine Pickup Notice
9 months ago, Noble Public Schools
CIMS: Please see the attached flyer about our last day of school. Thank you!
9 months ago, Katelynn Walker
The Primary Election Forum sponsored by the Noble Public Schools Foundation for Academic Excellence and the Noble Public Library scheduled for tonight has been postponed. Due to the possibility of dangerous weather, we have rescheduled the forum to be held on Wednesday, May 29th at 6:00 p.m. Thank you. Stay safe and weather aware.
9 months ago, Noble Public Schools
The wrong link attached for physicals tonight, trying again! Thank you for your patience. Noble Public Schools and Ortho Central are hosting Annual Physical Night, tonight at the Noble HS Commons from 6-8 PM. See the link for more information. Go Bears!
9 months ago, Noble Public Schools
Noble Public Schools and Ortho Central are hosting Annual Physical Night, tonight at the Noble HS Commons from 6-8 PM. See the link for more information. Go Bears!
9 months ago, Noble Public Schools
Primary Election Forum Tomorrow Night from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., live from The Den Auditorium. Open link below for additional information. Thank you.
9 months ago, Noble Public Schools
Noble Public Schools 2024-2025 Enrollment Verification. As of today, only 600 of 3100 have completed verification. Please take the time required to complete this process. Thank you in advance! Go Bears!
9 months ago, Noble Public Schools