The Noble Public Schools’ Curriculum Department strives to offer our students a challenging academic program in an environment of encouragement and support where they will master the skills that provide a foundation for lifelong learning, as well as habits of speculation, inquiry, and critical thinking. We strive to ensure that all Noble students receive a strong foundation in the core curriculum areas and to serve as a resource for our teachers as they continue to provide a quality education for our children. We encourage collaboration that can promote an engaging and creative classroom that will incorporate a cultivation of leadership and technological skills so that we are capable of preparing our students to contribute with energy and distinction to the global world around them.

Open a World of Possible
Open a World of Possible is a book about the joy and power of reading. It is compiled from real stories and thoughts by some of America's leading literacy advocates, authors, and poets. Open a World of Possible (PDF e-book)
This anthology of true-life stories by some of America's leading literacy advocates, authors, and poets celebrates the joy and power of reading. Informed by the great pleasure that they derive from their own reading, these innovative thinkers are dedicated to helping young people discover and create their own rich lives as readers (Scholastic, 2014).
Posted are several quotes from the authors that can hopefully inspire us to continue to be life-long readers and instill the "joy and power" of reading in our students.
"Reading energizes my heart with a dream for a better life." Jimmy Santiago Baca
"...a childhood spent among books prepared me for a lifetime as a reader." Carol Jago
"A book offers possibility. And a library of books offers a world of possibilities. This is one of the things that makes teaching so worthwhile - as teachers, we can help our students find the books that will open their worlds of possibility." Robert E. Probst - Dialogue with a Text (article)
"The experiences I shared with my family shaped who I am as a reader and as an educator. I encourage the parents of my first graders to do the same for their children. They know that each Monday, my students and I will sit in a circle and have 'weekend share,' a time for the first graders to show their friends the cool rock they found at the park or the map they brought home from the zoo. It is my hope that the read-aloud experiences I share with my first graders will help shape the kind of people they will become." Maria Walther
"Neither poverty nor a thousand misfortunes should deprive any child of a book, because books DO change lives. They did mine." F. Isabel Campoy
"Almost daily, I walked to the local library...I got lost in the stacks and engrossed myself in the lives of characters both different from and the same as me. This moment in my life confirmed the power of great stories with unfamiliar yet relatable characters and informs my practice of making sure my students today read literature that represents diverse stories and experiences. Such encounters with diverse texts and characters can open up a world of new possibilities." Dr. Marcelle M. Haddix
"Hug your children by surrounding them with love and language. Talk is the road that leads to reading and changes lives." Dr. Adria Klein
So many sights and sounds - that I can write down - of the life that I've lived - from the books that I found - filled with words - that planted the seed - of dreams for me - when I chose to read (Poem - About Me) Charles R. Smith Jr.
...understand that engaged reading now makes engaged readers for a lifetime. Nancie Atwell
But I trace my love of reading directly back to a teacher - a teacher who knew just the right book at just the right time and changed a life. Douglas Fisher
I want elementary teachers to...lean in, get to know their kids, and help them develop rich reading lives. I want classrooms to be filled with great books and stirring questions, and for kids to have the freedom and choice to find the books that keep them interested and wanting more. I want kids to be read to, to read to each other, and to read to themselves and feel free to fall into imaginary worlds. Jennifer Serravallo
Early on in my teaching career I realized that the central and most important goal of reading instruction is to foster a love of reading. We can teach our students all the skills needed for proficient reading, but if they do not choose to read, if they are not motivated to read, they will never reach their full potential as engaged readers. Linda B. Gambrell, Ph.D.
Hanging out with books changes us. Books shape who we are and who we become. Stephanie Harvey
If we do, indeed believe in the power of reading, we must also believe that each of us has an obligation to protect that power so that it remains available to every person who seeks it. ReLeah Cossett Lent
Oklahoma State Department of Education: Oklahoma Academic Standards
According to legislation signed into rule, the new Oklahoma Academic Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics are to be taught in all Oklahoma public schools.
Oklahoma State Standards in Science, Social Studies, the Fine Arts, World Languages, Personal Financial Literacy, and Health/Safety education remain as they have been approved by law.
A quick guide to standards and assessments:
English Language Arts: Oklahoma Academic Standards (2016)
Mathematics: Oklahoma Academic Standards (2016)
Science: Oklahoma Academic Standards (2014)
Social Studies: Oklahoma Academic Standards (2014)
Fine Arts: Oklahoma Academic Standards (2014)
World Languages: Oklahoma Academic Standards (2015)
Personal Financial Literacy: PASS (2008)
Health/Safety Education: Oklahoma Academic Standards (2016)
Physical Education: Oklahoma Academic Standards (2016)
Computer Science: Oklahoma Academic Standards (2018)
Oklahoma SDEC Curriculum
Secondary Language Arts
OKELA Teachers
Literacy Ready - Ready For Reading In ALL Disciplines
Mathematics Home Page
OKMath Teachers
Math Ready - Ready For College Level Math
Social Studies Home Page
Digital Resources for Teaching The Social Studies Process and Literacy Skills (PALS)
Social Studies Instructional Analysis Toolkit
The Use of Coherency Storylines
STEM (Science - Technology - Engineering - Mathematics)
STEM Home Page
STEM Strategic Report - Spring 2013
Oklahoma Academic Standards
English Language Arts
Secondary English Language Arts
Social Studies
Computer Science
Fine Arts
World Languages
Health/Safety Education
Physical Education
Personal Financial Literacy
Pre-Kindergarten Academic Standards for Science
Pre-Kindergarten Academic Standards for Social Studies
Principles of Learning
Nine Principles of Learning
Academic Rigor in a Thinking Curriculum
Accountable Talk
Accountable Talk Sourcebook (Institute of Learning - University of Pittsburgh)
Principles of Learning for Effort-based Education (Institute of Learning - University of Pittsburgh)
Learning Organizations for Sustainable Education Reform
AP and Pre-AP Strategies
Gifted and Talented Education Plan
Natural Prisoner of War Remembrance Day
National Former Prisoner of War Remembrance Day, 2008 - Proclamation by George W. Bush
The POW/MIA Flag
Oklahoma City Bombing Remembrance Day
April 19th - Oklahoma City Bombing Remembrance Day - Teachers and students of the schools of this state are requested to observe the day with appropriate educational exercises (25 O.S. § 90..9)
The Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum
Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum - Education Page
National Park Service - Oklahoma City National Memorial
Freedom Week-Veterans Day
Oklahoma Native American Day
On the second Monday in October of each year, teachers and students of the schools of this state are requested to observe the day with appropriate exercises. To assist Noble Public Schools teachers, below is a list of curricular resources on Oklahoma Native Americans.
Oklahoma SDE Indian Education Resource Page
Oklahoma Indians: We Are Who We Were (Video)
39 American Indian Tribes of Oklahoma (with links to the 39 Tribes)
PDF of the 39 American Indian Tribes of Oklahoma
PBS - Indian Country Diaries
PBS Trail of Tears Website
Oklahoma Newspapers in Education (Numerous Topics)
Passport to Financial Literacy Resources
OK SDE Personal Financial Literacy
MoneyIsOk.org - The Oklahoma Council on Economic Education (OCEE) is a 501(c)3, not-for-profit, non-political, non-partisan, educational organization whose mission is promoting economic and personal financial literacy for all Oklahomans. OCEE is the designated partner with the Oklahoma State Department of Education to implement HS 1476: Oklahoma’s Passport to Financial Literacy.