In accordance with House Bill 2957, Noble Public Schools evaluates it teachers using the Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System. The TLE Process requires teachers to be evaluated qualitatively.
Noble Public Schools has selected the Tulsa Model for Observation and Evaluation as the qualitative component. As of May 2012, over 90% of the school districts in Oklahoma have selected the evidence-based Tulsa Model for Observation and Evaluation to be the best choice for their district.
TLE Rubrics
TLE Observation and Evaluation Rubric Teachers
TLE Observation and Evaluation Rubric Librarian
TLE Observation and Evaluation Rubric Counselors
TLE Observation and Evaluation Rubric Speech Lang Psychologists
Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Professional Learning Focus
Beginning in the 2018-19 school year, in accordance with House Bill 2957, a Professional Learning Focus (PLF) will be developed by all teachers at Noble Public Schools. This applies even if you have an "exempt status" from the TLE Evaluation Process.
TLE Professional Learning Focus for Noble Public Schools (Description of Process)
Professional Learning Focus Template (Fillable)
Professional Learning Focus Template (Print Form)
Professional Learning Focus Resources
SDE TLE Website