Good Afternoon,
Please read the update from Noble Public Schools. Thank you for the opportunity to serve your children! Go Bears!

Please read the message below concerning our Meal Program for Noble Public Schools. Have a great Labor Day Weekend!

Please read the attached announcement for Fall Activities. Thank you. Go Bears!

Good Morning NPS!
Our nurses and the Cleveland County Health Department, are asking for our help. If anyone in your household is sick, please keep everyone home. Even if others don't have active symptoms, they can develop at any time. Help us help you stay safe! Go Bears!

Please read the attached message from Noble Public Schools on Week #1. Thank you.

Please read the link, Important Announcement for HS FB Scrimmage Thursday Night. Thank you. Go Bears!

A copy of KID Talk will be included in each Wednesday folder/journal that your child brings home. Information relating to upcoming events and school projects will be included in this newsletter. Please watch for and read this publication, as it is our way of keeping you informed.

The 2020-2021 Noble Public Schools year begins on Monday, August 24, 2020. Thank you in advance for your help and support. Go Bears!

We apologize for the incorrect link in our previous release. Please access the new link for our partnership with Impact Counseling. This is completely voluntary, but just another service for our students and families. Thank you.

First Day of School 2020 Signage for our Elementary Students. #GoBears #PublicSchoolsRock

Please find attached the consent forms for Impact Counseling Services. They will have a counselor in each of our schools starting on Monday. We thank you for your support! Go Bears!

Just a reminder, today & tomorrow from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All students in Pre-K thru 8th grade will be able to pick up schedules & drop off school supplies. Students that are enrolled virtually in grades PK-8th, can pick up their Chromebooks at the school they attend. Before students receive a Chromebook, signed Technology Loan Agreement & 2020-2021 free/reduced application are required.
Technology Loan Agreement 2020-21 https://5il.co/jl5w
Free & Reduced Meals Application https://5il.co/hwz8

Tuesday Aug. 18 & Wed. Aug. 19 from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All students in Pre-K thru 8th grade will be able to pick up schedules and or drop off school supplies. Students that are enrolled virtually in grades PK-8th, parents &students can also pick up their Chromebooks at the school they attend. HS Virtual Students will be able to pick up their Chromebooks on Thurs. Aug 20 from 8:00 am-7:00 pm. Before students are checked out a Chromebook, we must have the signed technology loan agreement and a 2020-2021 free/reduced application turned in.
Technology Loan Agreement 2020-21
NPS 2021 Free & Reduced Meals Application

The previous link for our partnership with Norman Regional Hospital & our Virtual Health Program, contained a broken link in their flyer. Please find below the new link. Thank you.

As we get closer to the beginning of the school year, just another reminder to complete and return the Free & Reduced Lunch Forms. Please complete and return the form as it impacts our federal funding.

Please find attached the link for our NPS & NRH Virtual Kids Care Program. Thank you to Norman Regional Hospital for their support.

The Noble Board of Education approved the revised school calendar at the August Board Meeting last night. The calendar is attached. Please remember that due to the situation we are in, additional calendar adjustments may need to be made. Thank you.

Please read the attached announcement for Extra Curricular Activities as our Fall Seasons begin on Monday. Please understand that these guidelines are fluid and may be changed at any time. Thank you.

Please read the attached message from Noble Public Schools. Thank you.

Please take a few minutes to review the procedures and plan for the Return to Learn for Noble Public Schools. Thank you.