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Tyler Solomon
Athletic Director
Leadership Team
Jeff Allen
Assistant Athletic Director
Leadership Team
Rachel Tener
Athletic Admin Assistant
Greg George
Head Football Coach
Kyle Davidson
Assistant Football Coach
Ray Crawley
Assistant Football Coach
Keith Treat
Assistant Football Coach/Assistant Girls basketball Coach
Melissa Coombs
Wrestling Coach
Michael Lightner
Wrestling Coach
Keith Coombs
Wrestling Coach
Roger Clement
Head Softball Coach
Diana Irick
Middle School Softball Coach
Tim Shortes
Head High School Cross Country Coach / Middle School Cross Country/Boys Track Coach
Hannah Hixon
Head Volleyball Coach
John Stokes
Middle School Volleyball Coach
Claudia Talafuse
Middle School Assistant Volleyball / Middle School Assistant Girls Basketball
Matt Thornton
High School Boys Basketball Coach
Lindsey Vanderburg
Head Girls Basketball Coach / Head Girls Golf Coach
Erik Hughes
Head High School Baseball Coach / Assistant Football Coach
Brad Anglin
Assistant Baseball Coach