Pre-K through 6th Grade Cheer Clinic will be on Friday, February 11, 2022. Please open link for details. Thank you.

2022 Stem Free Summer Academies for students entering 8th-12th grades in 2022-2023 school year. www.okhighered.org/summer-academies

Noble Public Schools has cancelled all Activities and Athletic Events for Friday and Saturday, February 4th & 5th. Stay warm and stay safe. Go Bears!

The Oklahoma State Department of Education has partnered with Hunger Free Oklahoma to share information for families and staff to help understand PEBT. Stay safe and warm. Go Bears!

Noble Public Schools will be closed for a Snow Day on Thursday, February 3, 2022. Please stay safe and warm. See everyone on Monday! Go Bears!

Child Nutrition - Virtual Feeding for February 2, 2022
Just a reminder - With the move to Virtual Learning for February 2, 2022, the Child Nutrition Department will be delivering meals today. Meals are free for children 18 years of age or younger. Please review the attached link to the delivery stops and times. Also, KID Elementary School (Middle Front) and Curtis Inge Middle School (North Parking Lot) will be open for drive through pick up from 11:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Meals will include breakfast and lunches for two days plus additional snacks. Mac and Cheese will be on the menu today.
Delivery Stops and Times: https://5il.co/15306
For additional information, please contact Dr. Jon Myers at jmyers@nobleps.com or 405-239-3703.

Child Nutrition - Virtual Feeding for February 2, 2022
With the move to Virtual Learning for February 2, 2022, the Child Nutrition Department will be delivering meals today. Meals are free for children 18 years of age or younger. Please review the attached link to the delivery stops and times. Also, KID Elementary School (Middle Front) and Curtis Inge Middle School (North Parking Lot) will be open for drive through pick up from 11:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Meals will include breakfast and lunches for two days plus additional snacks. Mac and Cheese will be on the menu today.
Delivery Stops and Times: https://5il.co/15306
For additional information, please contact Dr. Jon Myers at jmyers@nobleps.com or 405-239-3703.

Noble Public Schools will be Remote Learning Only on Wednesday, February 2, 2022. All activities cancelled. Student and Staff Safety is first and foremost importance. Thank you for understanding.

Noble Public School update concerning upcoming winter storm. Thank you.

Please read update from Noble PS for Week #22 of 2021-2022 school year. Thank you.

Noble Soccer Club Spring Soccer Registration Information.

Good Afternoon Noble Public Schools:
The link below is to obtain four (4) free COVID Home Test Kits. The sign-up is quick and easy. Thank you for doing everything you can to keep us all safe. #BetterTogether #GoBears

Due to the shortage of Covid Tests, we no longer have the ability to test students and staff. We will update you once we have more tests available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Child Nutrition - Virtual Feeding for January 13, 2022
With the move to Virtual Learning for January 13, 2022, the Child Nutrition Department will be delivering meals on that day. Meals are free for children 18 years of age or younger. Please review the attached link to the delivery stops and times. Also, KID Elementary School (Middle Front) and Curtis Inge Middle School (North Parking Lot) will be open for drive through pick up from 11:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Meals will include breakfast and lunches for two days plus additional snacks. Pizza will be on the menu for tomorrow.
Delivery Stops and Times
For additional information, please contact Dr. Jon Myers at jmyers@nobleps.com or 405-239-3703.

Please read an important update from Noble Public Schools. Thank you.

Good evening Noble Public Schools,
Today, we experienced a dramatic increase in COVID-19 positive cases among our students, and an even greater increase among our staff. Please understand that our ability to operate In-Person is dependent upon our ability to staff all of our classrooms, bus routes, and cafeterias. Should this increase continue, we may have to move to Virtual Education until our staff numbers recede. Please understand that it is our desire to have class on campus, but staff absences dictate our actions. If we move to Virtual Education, we will provide meals for all students via our summer food routes, as well as a pickup location.
On Friday, January 7, 2021, we announced our plan to test community members for the virus. We were informed late this evening by the Oklahoma State Department of Health, that due to the increased demand and limited supply of tests, this would no longer be an option. Until further notice is received, we are only allowed to test students and staff.
Thank you for everything you do to support Noble Public Schools. Have a great evening!

Please read Week #19 update from Noble Public Schools. We have also posted the link for CDC updated guidelines. Thank you.

Please read Week #18 End of 1st Semester Update. Testing consent forms for are also attached below the update. Happy Holidays to all our Noble Bear Family!

Noble Public Schools, Feed The Children, & Norman Regional Hospital, Holiday Food and Toy Event continues until 12:00 noon today at Noble High School. If you haven't had the chance to come by, please do so. No voucher required. First come, First Served. Happy Holidays!

Attention 8th Grade Parents/Guardians:
Oklahoma State Department of Education is pleased to announce enrollment for the Oklahoma Math Tutoring Corps is now available to ALL Oklahoma 8th-grade students for the 2021-22 school year. Students enrolled in the program will be offered virtual math tutoring Jan.-Mar. 2022.
For more information on this program, please see the link below.